Kicero Rehabilitation Center in Kangulumira, Kayunga

In the heart of Seeta Village, Kangulumira Sub County, a remarkable young man named Zackaria has defied the odds to become a successful entrepreneur. Born with disabilities, Zackaria’s future seemed uncertain. However, thanks to the unwavering support of Kisaakye Rehabilitation Center and the generosity of Melanie, who helped fund his project, Zackaria has transformed his life and is now thriving as a shoe mender and seller.

Before discovering Kisaakye Rehabilitation Center, Zackaria’s daily life was a struggle. Without access to a wheelchair, he was forced to crawl to move around, making everyday tasks a daunting challenge. His disability had limited his opportunities, and he felt relegated to the sidelines of society.

That all changed when Zackaria met the team at Kisaakye Rehabilitation Center. With their guidance and support, Zackaria discovered his hidden talents and passion for entrepreneurship. The center provided him with a tricycle, which has given him a newfound sense of freedom and mobility. He can now move around easily and participate in activities that were previously impossible for him.

The center also provided Zackaria with the necessary training and resources to start his own shoe mending and selling business. Melanie’s funding support was instrumental in helping Zackaria turn his business idea into a reality.

Today, Zackaria’s business is flourishing. He takes pride in his work, meticulously repairing shoes and selling them to customers in Seeta Village. The income he generates from his business has empowered him to purchase basic necessities, like food and clothing, and has given him a sense of independence he never thought possible.

Zackaria’s success is a testament to the impact of Kisaakye Rehabilitation Center’s work and the power of generous supporters like Melanie. By providing opportunities and support to individuals with disabilities, the center is helping to break down barriers and unlock the full potential of people like Zackaria.

As Zackaria looks to the future, he is filled with hope and determination. He plans to continue growing his business and becoming a role model for others with disabilities in his community.

“Kisaakye Rehabilitation Center and Melanie believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself,” Zackaria says, his eyes shining with gratitude. “They gave me the chance to prove that I am capable of achieving great things. I will always be thankful for their support.”